The first time I heard of MeWe was reference (with link) to a letter by one of the owners/founders defending James Wood and his whiny "First Amendment says you can't hold me accountable for being an asshole" whine about his "liberal" agent firing Wood for being an asshole.
That set off so many red flags, I ran out of red crayons. The whole thing reeked of pandering to shitty elements of American society too stupid to understand the Constitution, too selfish to distinguish freedom from tyranny with consequences for personal responsibility, and nakedly courting those elements.
Then I read their marketing material and product offerings. It was all too slick. Everything about it reminded me of people I know whose lips say they want to make the world a better place (and often they do), but every enchanting amd dazzling speech always ends up with "and it will make me a lot of money." Always. Read the fine print, and buried in there are the buzzwords, a bit of dog whistling to both the far right and far left, and promises, promises, promises how people running a private corporation - offering you a licensed service, on their terms, which can be changed on a whim, promising they respect your privacy, if only you'll join their service which is going to make them rich.
Waaaaaay too slick. Waaaaay too willing to pander to anyone for a buck.
That was my first and second look at MeWe. Word up is that I'm not wrong.
Doesn't mean other people can't benefit using the service. Again, reading the material, it looks pretty solid, especially for a few bucks a year. (What I hear is the free service is full of holes, but $30/year ain't bad, IIRC.) Just means I'm not excited about it.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s app MeWe is used by neo-Nazis and perverts