Tuesday, March 26, 2019

People saying stupid things about guns

Yep, that about covers it. I mean I have an entire series about the bloody stupid things people say about guns.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Not reaching my audience anymore and it sucks

...and to the surprise of no one, my blog Stats have tanked since the demise of G+.  Sigh.  The entire fucking point of linking this blog to G+ was to have a nice, easy way to reach people and let them know the blog existed, posts were going live, and content was flowing.

Thanks a lot Google management team. You suck.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Alt-right chickenshit assholes

The "alt-right" are chicken shit snowflake assholes, too afraid to grow up and own their failures, instead constantly blaming others. This isn't rocket science; it's just not making excuses for their selfish cowardice anymore.

Also, Cthulu needs you to save him from the chickenshit snowflakes victim-wannabes. How fucked up is that?

"Though most of weird fiction has evolved past Lovecraftian pastiche and even explicit use of Mythos tropes, and rightfully so, discarding Lovecraft and relegating him to the margins would encourage Waffle-SS cosplayers to come out of the woodwork and claim him, and by extension the roots of cosmic horror itself as their own, and the Cthulhu Mythos would go the way of Pepe the Frog and tiki torches. If you’re sick of Lovecraft now, wait until the alt-right claims Cthulhu as a meme. Once that happens, the party’s over. The LA punk scene had to work tirelessly to call out Nazis and skinheads to stop them co-opting what they built, to keep a vital outsider scene from falling into the hands of elimationist imbeciles."

Source: https://forbiddenfutures.net/lovecraft-means-never-having-to-say-youre-sorry.html