Monday, February 5, 2018

Musical Monday - Losing My Religion - Lacuna Coil

Like "Rise of the Titans," bitch!  I know, that's a totally silly opening, but you don't read this blog on a regular basis expecting anything but whatever the fuck I'm thinking at the moment.

Meanwhile, "Losing My Religion" is like an iconic song, rightI ran across Lacuna Coil a while ago, because they seem to be in the same YouTube mixes as Amaranthe and Arch Enemy.

Meanmeanwhile, turns out I covered this song before, but I didn't realize (at the time), that Lacuna Coil had an official vid.  Whatever. That previous post was about the vid games featured in the fan splice-up vid, and this post is about the official Lacuna Coil vid.  Blah, blah, blah.  :-)

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