Sunday, November 11, 2018

Trump laughs at you

Donald Trump is an opportunist weasel who laughs hardest at the fools who worship him. He was born this way. He exploits anyone and everyone, especially those who worship him. He always has. Only fools worship him, and he laughs at them harder and harder every day. Losers.


  1. I cannot count the ways I loathe Donald Trump, and his entire morally bankrupt family. I loathed them way back when they were merely incompetent television celebrities, long before they were incompetent global embarrassments.

    My new social media account thread

  2. 176 Reasons Donald Trump Shouldn't Be President

    In the debut episode of his new series, "The Closer," GQ's Keith Olbermann tallies the most outrageous of Donald Trump's offenses in what is now his 15-month assault on American democracy.

