Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Perhaps it is time to move on?

Borusa: You have access to the greatest source of knowledge in the universe.

The Doctor (Tom Baker): Well, I do talk to myself sometimes.

I saw a LOT of Fourth Doctor episodes as a kid. I suspect it affected my thinking for the better.

Sometimes I listen to myself. If I am the chaos element that appears only in time of need, perhaps - like G+ - my time has run its course. That is, this manifestation was what *I* needed, as well as you. Perhaps it is time for me to change, to let this account close, and find new ways to express myself. Perhaps it is time I channeled my voice more directly into the meat world. That my time here has helped me hone my methodology of expression and refine my own values. If all goes well, you will see me, but recognize me only in your heart :)



  1. I'll miss you! Good luck and best wishes

    1. I ain't dead yet. Just spending more time in the meat world, thinking about what's important to me.
      Damn, I miss you guys.

  2. Damnit! I missed the party, didn't I? I'm always the last to find out about these things!

    Know that you will be missed, and loved.

    1. I ain't dead yet. Just spending more time in the meat world, thinking about what's important to me.
      Damn, I miss you guys.

    2. So, what the crap? What's up falling behind on your own blog? Don't make me come and kick your ass. I ain't got the energy! :P

  3. 883 live posts - on THIS blog - in about 5 years. That's about one post every two days. NOT including the probably 75% of content lost when the death of G+ nuked all the value-added content in the often very deep and complex conversations in the comments sections of the posts.
    I had a lot to say.
    Now I'm all depressed again.
