Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tea Partiers Hate Justice

I will be a snarky bitch and spread this one. It's subtle, and I love subtle.

The vast majority of Tea Party members are just normal people with passion for their country, their family, and their faith.

Unfortunately, those same people tend to be ruled by their passions, and don't think things through very well, and have therefore been exploited (to the point of butt hurt) by a small group of highly educated, highly paid, very rich, greedElitist Opportunist Pigs. 

Yes, exploited. The Tea Party was a sham from the start to screw people over, and increase divisiveness, rancor, and strife among the peasantry, so that we'd be too busy fighting each other to notice the robbery and pillaging of the very rights and opportunities the bastards claim to want "to defend." (More like "to defraud.")

Wake up Tea Partiers - you're nothing but patsies in a shell game of rape, pillage and burn your dumb ass by a small group of highly educated, highly paid, very rich, greedElitist Opportunist Pigs.

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