Callisto Zvezdana Kikkert
(see also Introduction)
Background & Origin: She was born in the United States. After a stint in the military, she studied ecology in college (getting her Masters) and became a lobbyist, finding she had a passion for both.
Her place of birth was a military base. She grew up with her siblings, but ran away from home at 16, because her family life was an absolute and unpleasant mess, got into trouble, and bailed herself out by joining the Army. She mustered out after two terms and went to college.
She has the following siblings:
- An older sister that hates her for some past transgression;
- A younger brother that bears her a grudge for some past transgression;
- An older half-sister that she hates because of some past transgression.;
- An adopted older sister that suffered grave misfortune, becoming involved with a religious cult or destructive social order;
- A younger sister that suffered grave misfortune, becoming involved with a religious cult or destructive social order.
She has experienced the following important events:
- She made a friend, someone younger than her that she feels protective about. This person has some influence with a gang, a guild, or other larger group;
- She made a friend, an old friend that she reconnected with. This person is an important figure both locally and beyond the immediate area;
- Her long-term relationship ended when her partner broke up with her without reason;
- She made a friend, a relative. This person has great personal power;
- She made an enemy, crossing the line between love and hate with a former lover. He makes her shouty-angry. He has some influence with a gang, a guild, or other larger group. The dislike is the result of a personal relationship;
- A rigorous stretch of military training strengthened her.
Her powers manifested while on an ecological project. She took a few days to go hiking, and “communed with nature” way more than expected.
Combat Tactics: She uses her invisibility and illusions to confuse and shut down foes.
She is a trained and dangerous hand-to-hand fighter, striking with uncanny precision.
Personality Traits: Motivation: Utopian. Her worldview drives her to confront the enemy. This may be a personal philosophy, or something she shares with others (such as patriotism, or a religion). She may have been raised with these values, or developed them only recently. Her worldview may be based on moral or ethical convictions or be entirely fanciful, but she MUST try to live up to it, and be an example to others.
She has very strong passions, and a great deal of comfort with them. She is not ruled by her passions, because she knows how to work with them, and channel their energy into her actions. It is an emotional kung fu akin to the tai chi master who bends and rolls through the storm, rather than the tiger style master who smashes and hammers. She can still lose her shit, but rarely (and always intensely), and she doesn't hold grudges.
She doesn't think of herself as “having powers,” so much as “having a better understanding of things.” She can come off a bit parochial and arrogant.
Appearance: She is in her early 30s, 5’8”, 168 lbs. She wears her hair long and flowing. She favors the latest fashions and spends lavishly on the best clothing.
She has a lot of tattoos, but is clever about covering them with her clothing and (when necessary) her illusions.
She was born female, identifies as female, expresses as female, and likes men. (About as uncomplicated as you can get, which is nice, because I kind of had an idea for the character, and I confess, gender identity wasn’t part of it.) (Apparently, the Mighty Protectors book has random tables for this, which is both cool and weird, at the same time.)
Powers: “The Speed of Soul” - every living thing has a soul. That's rather the definition of “living,” one should think, i.e. it has a soul. “Soul” transcends commonly understood physics, to encompass all energy, including the psionic band of the electromagnetic spectrum.
She exists in harmony with that energy field, and consequently benefits from it, can blend into it, and can tug and stir it, to manipulate the perceptions of anything with a soul. It also allows her to move and process information and decisions faster relative to normal humans.
She has normal strength for a woman of her age, height and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.
Notes: Model unknown. Character by I.A. Riley, June, 2017.
Document Copyright (C) 2017 by I.A. Riley. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright others; no attempt is made to infringe upon their rights.
Villains & Vigilantes, Living Legends and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2010 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
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Callisto Zvezdana Kikkert - Villains & Vigilantes
Str 14, End 12, Int 24, Agl 31, Cha 12, 168 lbs., level 3
Basic Hits 4; Hit Mod. (1.2) (1.4) (1.5) (3.1) = 7.812; Hit Points 31; Power 81; Move 737” (168 MPH) ground; Carrying Capacity 331 lbs.; Basic HTH 1d6; Accuracy +5; Damage Mod. +6; Detect Hidden 18%; Detect Danger 22%; Heal 1.2; Inventing Points 7.2
Heightened Agility A: +13
Heightened Attack: Damage +3 with all attacks
Heightened Intelligence A: +16
Heightened Speed: Ground Move +680” per turn, Initiative +23
Illusions: She can tamper with the perceptions of living beings, and anything defined as having a soul, creating illusions that affect all visual, auditory and olfactory perceptions. PR=2 per turn.
Invisibility: She can tamper with the perceptions of living beings, and anything defined as having a soul, becoming undetectable and gaining the benefits described by the power, because it affects all the target’s perceptions simultaneously. PR=4 per hour.
Training: Reduced PR for Illusions, included above.
Training: Reduced PR for extra actions per turn. The first one is always free, and her second one is also free, but the third, fourth and fifth are PR=2, as normal.
Combat Summary:
Initiative: 54 +1d10 (avg 59, or four actions per turn)
Unarmed: Attack HTH +5, Damage 1d6+9 or 5d4 (both avg 12.5)
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